The Sands of Japan : Lessons from the Tragedy

Prayers for Japan

Rarely does the earth manifest such awful force as we have seen over the last few days in Japan.  While I want to talk about the social implications of this devastation, I would loath to do so heartlessly.  The news reporters are doing plenty of that already.  Think of how deeply the disaster has affected so many around the world, those in your community and in your life, not to mention those far away and abroad.  The power of prayer cannot be measured in a time like this.  Possibly the most important thing we can do is go within to that place where time and space dissolve into light and hope, and from there send strength to those who are suffering.  On the island itself worry, desperation, and grief render distraught those who need clarity, courage, and healing love in order to persevere.

Like a rose blooming from its stem the future grows from the present.  Throwing a pebble into a still lake, the pebble is small, but the ripples radiate through the enormity of the water.  This is like the power of prayer.  Speaking through prayer is a way to speak universally, subtly changing the attitude of the present to manifest a better future.  Compassionate prayers will enrich the healing process that will follow this tragedy, easing and guiding the pain of transition.  Blessings to all who are struggling.  I mean in no way to criticize the people devastated by this disaster, only to condemn the global agro-industrial systems which have exaggerated their hardship.  Let no blame or guilt add to the weight on their shoulders.  But though our compassion should be uncompromised, this event has revealed the plight of our species like little else can, and remembering that plight only furthers the work of healing on an even broader scale.
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